Un actor perfect....cred eu. Poate interpreta orice personaj - de la un balbait pana la barbatul perfect.
sursa: Brand heroin
2004: Vanity Fair (Rawdy Crawley)
2004:El Anillo de los Nibelungos (Giselher)
2005:Harry Potter y el Cáliz de Fuego (Cedric Digory)
2006:The Haunted Airman ( Toby Jugg)
2007: The Bad Mother's Hand Book ( Daniel Gale)
2008: How to Be ( Art)
2008: The Summer House (Richard)
2008: Crepúsculo (Edward Cullen)
2009: Little Ashes (Salvador Dalí)
2009: Luna Nueva (Edward Cullen)
2010: Remember Me (Tyler Roth)
6 comentarii:
este foarte sexi in acest monent dar la fel era si in harry potter,inelul nibelungilor si vanity fair love him!!
Are o adevarata experienta in cinematografie si asta se vede :)
Le am pe toate..si e un actor super...
Abia astept Remember me:x
the summer house o fi aparut?stie cineva?
stie cnv und pot gasi subtitrarea la how to be?;;)am cautat o gramada si nu gasesc:((
anonim din cate stiu srt la how to be nu a facut-o nimeni
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