miercuri, 30 decembrie 2009

126 de lucruri pe care le'ai invatat din "New Moon"

Mii de scuze, dar in seara asta nu mai traduc nimic..sunt ff obosita..AICI gasiti articolul in intregime, pe site'ul celor de la 100thingsilearned..

1.Werewolves, by definition, must have six pack abs and take every possible opportunity to show them off, even if it means standing in the rain topless waiting for someone to randomly stop by.
2.Vampires, while easily killed by werewolves and other vampires, have not figured out how to kill themselves without traveling to another country and going through an elaborate judicial process.
3.So if a vampire sparkles in the sunlight...it brings a whole new meaning to the lyric "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick."
4.There are man-eating “bears” in your area, and your boyfriend and best friend have left you. Go hiking.
5.Werewolf First Aid Guide-Motorcycle Wrecks. Step one- Remove shirt.
6.If a werewolf in wolf form sees a girl jump off a cliff, it will transform back into human form and take a break to put on clothes before leaping into the water to save her.
7.Someone who is 100 years older, smarter, and more mature always falls for some teenage girl ravaged by hormones and lack of experience in life.
121.When being held by the throat from a vampire you will continue to look tough only to suffer a heart attack after the werewolf whose paw print you just erased saves you from her.
122.A newly vegetarian vampire will only use a paper cut as an excuse to attack a teenage girl, when the reality is he did it because she earlier shamed him into shutting his mouth due to her bad feelings of being wished a happy birthday.
123.Your boyfriend is more than happy to read a werewolf’s mind for his own benefit and amusement, but when you ask him what said werewolf is thinking and if he’s going to hurt you, all you get is a blank stare. Guess you’re on your own, peaches.
124.Vampires are all for oligarchy.
125.Leprosy isn't funny.
126.Watching this movie and talking smack about this movie have nothing to do with one another. The fact that you don't need to know that plot to do that makes it fun!

3 comentarii:

Danny spunea...

bv sandra....ai fost sg pe faza cu stirile.....ce sar face blogul asta fara tine?? :dddddd

Anonim spunea...

eu zik ca s-ar descurca si fara ea, ca pana sa vina ea a fost f bn nu zik ca sta in cale doar ca se descurcau si inainte f bn. Ba chiar si cand era doar Ella, era totul bn aici si multe stiri!

cathy spunea...

nu e adevarat. si tind s acred ca tu esti ella si te dai srept anonim, ca suna putin a gelozie commul tau. btw, sandra faci o treaba superba. ;) ms


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