sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009

Descrierea trailer'ului Eclipsa

Nu este oficiala..dar e buna si asa, nu?? Sursa
"I saw the teaser
The first part was from New Moon. The Very end. Where Edward said 'Marry me Bella' Then the Summit logo came on screen. You heared Radio or somthing say that there have been alot of Murders in Seattle and we saw Riley running. We then saw Charlie say to Bella 'I dont want you going into Seattle and more Bells. Its not safe. We were then in Bellas room and Bella is talking to Edward about how scared she is that Victoria is coming after her. Then the last part of the trailer was up the top of the Mountain and we see her coming in for Bella and Bella screaming 'EDWARD' Thrn the logo came on screen."

Un comentariu:

Anonim spunea...

cu siguranta e o mare minciuna ce a scris acolo (nu doar ca nu e oficial dar nu avea cum sa il vada, iar fazele cu nu il pot uploada .. e fake, clar). :(
mor pe oamenii astia care posteaza chestii idioate, in locuri cat de cat credibile, cand lumea chiar spera sa fie adevarate..

dar oricum ar fi fain sa avem parte de un teaser :)


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