joi, 17 decembrie 2009

Robert si Kristen in lista revistei "Time" a oamenilor care au contat in 2009

Robert Pattinson si Kristen Stewart au fost inclusi in lista cu oamenii a Revistei "Time" care au contat in 2009.

Aici aveti articolul in engleza. Am considerat ca nu are rost sa il mai traduc, din moment ce stim deja cu ce au influentat lumea.
It’s been at least a decade since we had a pair of authentic, shriek-inducing, catch-me-when-I-faint teen idols on our hands. But suddenly, OMG, they’re back. What makes the stars of the Twilight series so idolizable? It’s partly that ineffable combination of dirtiness and innocence: they’re sexy, but they’re not sexual. They’re also not generically beautiful. God knows they’re hot enough, but they look interesting too. Intelligent. Slightly askew. You don’t just want to look at them or sleep with them; you want to talk to them. Like the vampire Pattinson plays onscreen, you can see that once upon a time they were merely human, just like us.,28804,1946375_1946333_1946327,00.html
Multumim Ioni.

Un comentariu:

Laura-Maria spunea...

pai se putea...ei sunt printre cei mai buni:D:X


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